Sunday 22 March 2020

More wall construction and the floor

Once all sections of the wall were complete the skins were trimmed back to the size of the original frames with a trim router. 

..and fitted back into the metal framework.

The external ply was left uncut with the exception of the rear window and door. These cutouts will be made once fully ready to fit the windows. The wooden frames provide a guide for the trim router and the internal wall panels were trimmed back to the frames. 

Floor construction method was similar but this had to be built in situ. Underside of the lower floor panels was varnised before fitting. 

It is worth noting for historical context that at this stage of the project the coronavirus outbreak was starting to take hold. We decided to move ourselves and the project bac to the UK since it was uncertain how long this problem would last. 

There are not many photos of the next few days of work. Time was a bit pressing.

The roof was installed. 6mm marine ply screwed directly to the metal frame and sealed all round with Sikaflex. Wall panels were sealed and screwed in place. 

We then loaded it up. 

... and set out for home.

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